We're two brothers and a cousin who share more than a surname - we all love good beer. So we created PIG BEER at a former pig farm in the heart of the New Forest.​

Looking after our planet
PIG BEER was born in 2017 when a passion for beer took us on our #UltimateRefreshment quest. Here at PIG BEER we are driven and united by a love of great beer, a desire to use quality ingredients, and a responsibility to do it all as sustainably as possible.
We are proud to brew truly refreshing and delicious beer with hops grown on-site and irrigated from our 20,000-litre grey water harvesting tank.
We care deeply about the environment and we're fortunate to be based in the heart of the New Forest, just outside the picturesque village of Brockenhurst. Sustainability is really important to us, so we're always on the lookout for ways to reduce the environmental impact of brewing.
A few examples of this in action:
To reduce the amount of water wasted a 20,000 litre grey water harvesting tank was installed to allow all safe rinse water from the brewing process, plus collected rainfall, to be used to irrigate our hop plantation.
An onsite hop plantation means shorter distance travelled by our ingredients, unique flavours, and less water wasted - all leading to a lower environmental impact and carbon footprint.
At events single use plastic is avoided where possible by using reusable cups, in the worst case, we use single use cups produced from recycled plastic (rPET) which can be further recycled more readily than compostable cups (PLA).
All our electricity is purchased from renewable sources.
The gas that we use is carbon offset.
We upcycle as much as possible, from making our own garden furniture from wood destined for firewood to making our bars from reclaimed pallets.
We have developed a process for ensiling our spent grain to enable it to be stored for long periods of time and substantially reduce waste.
Customers are able to fill into their own containers or our flasks/growlers.